Sunday, January 22, 2012

MooPig GERD's Tech Conversations :: "Probiotics vs Omeprazole"

Retrieved by Pat Darnell  |  Jan 22, 2012  |  Bryan TX

[Picture LINK]

Conversation Jan 22, 2012 via faceBook Live Chat ... "Probiotics"

Why is this medication prescribed? Omeprazole
Prescription omeprazole is used alone or with other medications to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition in which backward flow of acid from the stomach causes heartburn and possible injury of the esophagus (the tube between the throat and stomach). Prescription omeprazole is used to treat the symptoms of GERD, allow the esophagus to heal, and prevent further damage to the esophagus. Prescription omeprazole is also used to treat conditions in which the stomach produces too much acid such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
[ ... ]
I see it!
Inulin in a protein shake with some Greek yogurt makes probiotics very happy.
You are so intelligent... heck fire!
I try to get everyone in my practice on a great multiple vit-min, fish oil and a probiotic. Takes care of a lot of it
And since you don't pay me, I can say it: "GET HER OFF THE OMAPROZOLE!!!"
It will lead to many more problems/ meds!
yes, mam... understood.
Pharmaceutical Conspiracy!
Want one of the questionnaires for her to run through?
yes, but you have to charge me.
Her name and b'date, and at 18 need her e-mail.
[I don;t know her email...
I am fumbling here
Okay- will send to you to forward?
yes. thank you
about time for you to do another too, so will send one for you as well...
oh my goodness... okay!
and google the side effects for her meds- I call the gerd meds entry drugs, because they create so many side effects that can be medicated
will do!
One more- how is her poo? Has she mentioned anything?
uh... she has not told me details... but I will ask
She will put it on the questionnaire, no need to embarass yourself
and her
you're a Godsend, E. and we thank you. Our gastro problems are hereditary from as far back as I can remember Great Grandad and further... so your assistance is a miracle... I understand more each time we converse.
LOL- not true! Your cooking/eating traditions, not genetics!
Check my site? And feel free to call. I really am loving this, and happily I am not putting a roof over anyone's head to do it. And I can talk your ear off!
Hell, I spent ten hours yesterday, largely discussing poo, and loved it!
I am putting this on my blog site MooPig GERD with your permission? eh? leaving out names and such...
Always and encourage people to contact me-
I am gratified how much the truth is getting out, although if I see one more reference to Paula Dean's diabetes being caused by heredity or her use of butter, I am going to kill someone.
Type 2= 100% lifestyle, 100% reversible !!!!!!!!!!!!!
[ ... ]

About Elaine DiRico of Austin Nutritional Therapy:

" ... I am a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. My focus is not a symptom based practice, but a holistic approach to optimizing health. My vision is this: By choosing to take responsibility for our health and to consciously move towards a health-oriented life style, we are also turning away from the idea that we must wait for a crisis (diabetes, heart problems) to make changes. Rather than have a crisis, I am maximizing my health in every way possible, today.

Your experience with an NTP will be: I use a series of assessments: an online questionnaire, a history, a food diary, a physical exam and an interview to compile data. Then, together we create a plan to balance your individual body chemistry through diet, and perhaps supplements, in a way that meshes perfectly with your life. ... "   Call me 512-970-5007



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