Tuesday, October 11, 2011

MooPig Site Reviews :: "Wake Up World"

Retrieved by Pat Darnell  |  Oct 11, 2011  |  Bryan TX

[Picture LINK]

Wake Up World has posted a new item, '7 Foods Experts Won't Eat'

" ... 1. Canned Tomatoes
The Expert: Fredrick vom Saal, PhD, an endocrinologist at the University of
Missouri who studies bisphenol-A.
The Situation: The resin linings of tin cans contain bisphenol-A, a synthetic
estrogen that has been linked to ailments ranging from reproductive problems to
heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Unfortunately, acidity (a prominent
characteristic of tomatoes) causes BPA to leach into your food. Studies show
that the BPA in most people's body exceeds the amount that suppresses sperm
production or causes chromosomal damage to the eggs of animals. "You can get 50
mcg of BPA per liter out of a tomato can, and that's a level that is going to
impact people, particularly the young," says vom Saal. "I won't go near canned
The Answer: Choose tomatoes in glass bottles (which do not need resin linings),
such as the brands Bionaturae and Coluccio. You can also get several types in
Tetra Pak boxes, like Trader Joe's and Pomi.
2. Corn-Fed Beef
The Expert: Joel Salatin, co-owner of Polyface Farms and author of half a dozen
books on sustainable farming.
The Situation: Cattle evolved to eat grass, not grains. But farmers today feed
their animals corn and soybeans, which fatten up the animals faster for
slaughter. More money for cattle farmers (and lower prices at the grocery store)
means a lot less nutrition for us. A recent comprehensive study conducted by the
USDA and researchers from Clemson University found that compared with corn-fed
beef, grass-fed beef is higher in beta-carotene, vitamin E, omega-3s, conjugated
linoleic acid (CLA), calcium, magnesium, and potassium; lower in inflammatory
omega-6s; and lower in saturated fats that have been linked to heart disease.
"We need to respect the fact that cows are herbivores, and that does not mean
feeding them corn and chicken manure," says Salatin.
The Answer: Buy grass-fed beef, which can be found at specialty grocers,
farmers' markets, and nationally at Whole Foods. It's usually labeled because it
demands a premium, but if you don't see it, ask your butcher. ... " 

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