Thursday, October 20, 2011


Story Retrieved by Dave Darnell  |  Oct 20, 2011  |  Pearland, TX

[Picture LINK]
If you're an urban gardener, as many (if not most) of the big growers are, it's not always easy to get your hands on the crucial supplies you need.'I've got a major problem,' says John Lunt, who lives a mile from the airport. 'The friend who used to help me has got rid of his cows. I don't know where I'm going to get my three tonnes of cow manure from. You can't buy cow manure on eBay, can you?'If anybody should happen to have a spare pile of dung, roughly the size of a bungalow - John and his giant veg would be most grateful.
In 1919 when the flu killed 40 million people there was this Doctor that
visited the many farmers to see if he could help them combat the flu.
Many of the farmers and their family had contracted it and many died.

The doctor came upon this one farmer and to his surprise, everyone was very
healthy. When the doctor asked what the farmer was doing that was different
the wife replied that she had placed an unpeeled onion in a dish in the
rooms of the home, (probably only two rooms back then). The doctor couldn't
believe it and asked if he could have one of the onions and place it under
the microscope. She gave him one and when he did this, he did find the flu
virus in the onion. It obviously absorbed the bacteria, therefore, keeping
the family healthy.
Now, I heard this story from my hairdresser in AZ. She said that several
years ago many of her employees were coming down with the flu and so were
many of her customers. The next year she placed several bowls with onions
around in her shop. To her surprise, none of her staff got sick. It must
work... Try it and see what happens. We did it last year and we never got the flu.

Now there is a P. S. to this for I sent it to a friend in Oregon who
regularly contributes material to me on health issues. She replied with this
most interesting experience about onions:

Thanks for the reminder. I don't know about the farmers story... but, I do
know that I contacted pneumonia and needless to say I was very ill... I came
across an article that said to cut both ends off an onion put it into an
empty jar...placing the jar next to the sick patient at night. It said the
onion would be black in the morning from the germs... sure enough it happened
just like that... the onion was a mess and I began to feel better.

Another thing I read in the article was that onions and garlic placed around
the room saved many from the black plague years ago. They have powerful
antibacterial, antiseptic properties.

This is the other note.

Lots of times when we have stomach problems we don't know what to blame.
Maybe it's the onions that are to blame. Onions absorb bacteria is the
reason they are so good at preventing us from getting colds and flu's and is
the very reason we shouldn't eat an onion that has been sitting for a time
after it has been cut open.


I had the wonderful privilege of touring Mullins Food Products, Makers of
mayonnaise... Mullins is huge, and is owned by 11 brothers and sisters in the
Mullins family. My friend, Jeanne, is the CEO.

Questions about food poisoning came up, and I wanted to share what I learned
from a chemist.

The guy who gave us our tour is named Ed. He's one of the brothers Ed is a
chemistry expert and is involved in developing most of the sauce formula.
He's even developed sauce formula for McDonald's.

Keep in mind that Ed is a food chemistry whiz. During the tour, someone
asked if we really needed to worry about mayonnaise. People are always
worried that mayonnaise will spoil. Ed's answer will surprise you. Ed said
that all commercially- made Mayo is completely safe.

"It doesn't even have to be refrigerated. No harm in refrigerating it, but
it's not really necessary." He explained that the pH in mayonnaise is set at
a point that bacteria could not survive in that environment. He then talked
about the quaint essential picnic, with the bowl of potato salad sitting on
the table and how everyone blames the mayonnaise when someone gets sick.

Ed says that! when food poisoning is reported, the first thing the officials
look for is when the 'victim' last ate ONIONS and where those onions came
from (in the potato salad?). Ed says it's not the mayonnaise (as long as
it's not homemade Mayo) that spoils in the outdoors. It's probably the
onions, and if not the onions, it's the POTATOES.
He explained, onions are a huge magnet for bacteria, especially uncooked
onions. You should never plan to keep a portion of a sliced onion... He says it’s not even safe if you put it in a zip-lock bag and put it in your

It's already contaminated enough just by being cut open and out for a bit,
that it can be a danger to you (and doubly watch out for those onions you
put in your hotdogs at the baseball park!) Ed says if you take the leftover onion and cook it like crazy you'll probably be okay, but if you slice that leftover onion and put on your sandwich, you're asking for trouble. Both the onions and the moist potato in a potato salad will attract and grow bacteria faster than any commercial mayonnaise will even begin to break down.

Also, dogs should never eat onions... Their stomachs cannot metabolize onions. (My first dog that I can remember was named Onions because he loved to eat them)

Please remember it is dangerous to cut an onion and try to use it to cook
the next day, it becomes highly poisonous for even a single night and
creates toxic bacteria which may cause adverse stomach infections because of excess bile secretions and even food poisoning.

Please pass this on to all you love and care

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

MooPig Site Reviews :: "Wake Up World"

Retrieved by Pat Darnell  |  Oct 11, 2011  |  Bryan TX

[Picture LINK]

Wake Up World has posted a new item, '7 Foods Experts Won't Eat'

" ... 1. Canned Tomatoes
The Expert: Fredrick vom Saal, PhD, an endocrinologist at the University of
Missouri who studies bisphenol-A.
The Situation: The resin linings of tin cans contain bisphenol-A, a synthetic
estrogen that has been linked to ailments ranging from reproductive problems to
heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Unfortunately, acidity (a prominent
characteristic of tomatoes) causes BPA to leach into your food. Studies show
that the BPA in most people's body exceeds the amount that suppresses sperm
production or causes chromosomal damage to the eggs of animals. "You can get 50
mcg of BPA per liter out of a tomato can, and that's a level that is going to
impact people, particularly the young," says vom Saal. "I won't go near canned
The Answer: Choose tomatoes in glass bottles (which do not need resin linings),
such as the brands Bionaturae and Coluccio. You can also get several types in
Tetra Pak boxes, like Trader Joe's and Pomi.
2. Corn-Fed Beef
The Expert: Joel Salatin, co-owner of Polyface Farms and author of half a dozen
books on sustainable farming.
The Situation: Cattle evolved to eat grass, not grains. But farmers today feed
their animals corn and soybeans, which fatten up the animals faster for
slaughter. More money for cattle farmers (and lower prices at the grocery store)
means a lot less nutrition for us. A recent comprehensive study conducted by the
USDA and researchers from Clemson University found that compared with corn-fed
beef, grass-fed beef is higher in beta-carotene, vitamin E, omega-3s, conjugated
linoleic acid (CLA), calcium, magnesium, and potassium; lower in inflammatory
omega-6s; and lower in saturated fats that have been linked to heart disease.
"We need to respect the fact that cows are herbivores, and that does not mean
feeding them corn and chicken manure," says Salatin.
The Answer: Buy grass-fed beef, which can be found at specialty grocers,
farmers' markets, and nationally at Whole Foods. It's usually labeled because it
demands a premium, but if you don't see it, ask your butcher. ... " 

You may view the latest post at:

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Summer SOY-stice

I'd Rather be Sick ...
Al Sears, MD
11903 Southern Blvd., Ste. 208
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411

July 8, 2011

Dear Patdarnell,

Buddhist monks live a strict life of depriving themselves. They don’t have any kind of sexual activity and try to stop themselves from even having any desires. They are not allowed to marry, or even touch a woman. Sex and lust are the most important things to avoid.

And do you know how they prevent all those sexual urges and desires?

They eat soy.

If that’s what you had to do to be healthy, I think I’d pass.

Soy promotes what I call testosterone resistance in your body. When you don’t have enough testosterone it can rob you of your sexual desire and energy. And studies show that soy’s two main estrogen-like compounds – genistein and daidzein –create this resistance to testosterone. They block your sex hormones, called androgens, from reaching their androgen receptors.1

Soy appears to have three ways it does this:

1. Soy interferes when testosterone wants to bind to its natural hormone receptors.

Genistein and daidzein bind so strongly to androgen receptors that they take the place of testosterone in your body. When researchers looked at how this affects development in boys, they found that it can wreak havoc on sexual development.2

2. Soy Increases SHBG.

Why is SHBG (or serum hormone binding globulin) so important? Because it regulates your sex hormones. When you have too much, it lowers the amount of free testosterone you have, and your hormones go out of whack...which can lead to impotence and low libido.

Japanese researchers gave healthy men only 60 mg of soy for three months. Their SHBG jumped, and their free testosterone went into free-fall.3 For women the effects are worse. In addition to diabetes, low SHBG levels can cause infertility, polycystic ovaries, acne and uterine cancer.

3. Soy lowers the amount of testosterone your body produces.

In a study investigating ways of reducing testosterone for prostate cancer patients, researchers discovered a surefire way to lower total testosterone in men: soy.

They fed animals less than 1 mg of soy and found that their testosterone levels dropped like a stone.4

To avoid testosterone resistance, my advice is that both men and women should avoid all soy products.

The problem is it’s not always easy to tell what has soy in it and what doesn’t.

Here are two ways to help you avoid hidden soy so you can keep your sex drive alive, have lots of energy and stay happy:

Step 1. You probably don’t like to read labels, but it’s best to be aware of how much soy you’re consuming, given the potential health hazards. Avoid these ingredients in your food. They are all usually made from or contain soy:

• Albumin
• Bulking Agent
• Carob
• Emulsifier
• Glycerol monostearate
• Guar gum
• Gum arabic
• Hydrolyzed plant protein
• Hydrolyzed vegetable protein
• Lecithin
• Liquid smoke
• Mixed tocopherols
• Mono- and di-glyceride
• Monosodium glutamate
• Natural flavorings
• Protein
• Protein concentrate
• Protein extender
• Protein isolate
• Smoke flavor
• Stabilizer
• Textured vegetable protein
• Thiamine mononitrate
• Thickening agent
• Vegetable broth
• Vegetable gum
• Vegetable oil
• Vegetable shortening

Step 2. Soy isn’t just hidden in your food, it’s hidden on your food – like fruits and vegetables.

To make them look shiny and delicious on store shelves, and to seal in moisture, produce is sprayed with a waxy coating. You may already know that these waxes can be made from petroleum, but what you may not know is that most are not.

Many waxy coatings – including officially organic-approved food-grade coatings made from vegetable, beeswax, carnauba wax or lac resin – use soy protein to thicken the wax so it sticks to the produce.

The government puts these coatings in their “generally recognized as safe” category, which is good enough for the big food manufacturers. Unfortunately, many people in the organic food business consider anything made from soy “natural,” meaning good for you, even though it’s anything but.

That’s why fruits and vegetables are one instance where organic isn’t good enough. I buy what I like to call “better than organic” – fresh, local produce. I love shopping at the farmer’s market near my house. It makes me feel good to know where my food is coming from.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

Retrieved from email by Pat Darnell | July9, 2011 | Bryan TX

1 Nishizaki, Y., Ishimoto, Y., Hotta, Y., et al, "Effect of flavonoids on androgen and glucocorticoid receptors based on in vitro reporter gene assay," Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. Aug. 15, 2009;19(16):4706-10
2 Sherrill, J.D., Sparks, M., Dennis, J., et al, "Developmental exposures of male rats to soy isoflavones impact Leydig cell differentiation," Biol Reprod. Sept. 2010;83(3):488-501
3 Tanaka, M., et al, "Isoflavone supplements stimulated the production of serum equol and decreased the serum dihydrotestosterone levels in healthy male volunteers," Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 2009;12(3):247-52
4 Weber, K.S., Setchell, K.D., Stocco, D.M. et al, "Dietary soy-phytoestrogens decrease testosterone levels..." J. Endocrinol. Sept. 1, 2001;170:591-599

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Do You Like "Before" and "After" Photos?

Photo above is me when I started this MooPig GERD Blog ....

Thanks to Elaine DiRico, and A.N.T., Austin Nutritional Therapy, look at these:

This is Photo's of me now, 30 pounds lighter, and on a sensible diet and moderate daily exercise.

In the last Photo that is not smoke that is vapor, from my e-cigar!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dairy Council of California Identifies Top 10 Nutrition Trends for 2011 |

Dairy Council of California Identifies Top 10 Nutrition Trends for 2011 | "Health issues, sustainability, social networking, demographic changes will impact dairy industry.
In its semi-annual Nutrition Trends newsletter released this week, the Dairy Council of California pinpoints the top 10 nutrition trends impacting or expected to impact the dairy industry in 2011:"

1. Skyrocketing diabetes rates will impact the health of Americans and the healthcare system.

2. Early lifestyle habits are seen as critical to disease prevention.

3. Nutritional milk components continue to gain positive research attention.

4. Government calcium and vitamin D recommendations are seen as conservative by some nutrition experts

5. Sustainability is increasingly a factor in consumer food decisions.

6. Social networking and mobile apps are enabling more consumer-direct communications.

7. Demographic changes sub-segment audiences and the approaches to reach them.

8. A variety of other “gatekeepers” are expanding our traditional health care practices.

9. The food industry is under increasing pressure to reformulate products.

10. Convenience, economics and health are influencing our food choices.

Learn more at

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Cocktails can be Managed too

Afternoons Cocktail Cravings should be Managed
Retrieved by Pat Darnell

All good people seek "selflessness;" and that is how we are taught; but good people should remember to take good care of themselves.

In a lifetime a person goes from shape-changing youth to completed-design adults; this course of biologic "miracle" happens far too fast for most of us. As we mature, some very interesting pieces of each of our bodies and habits come in conflict with our minds. That is, it turns out, is why we must continue learning about our self. There is the thinking side of each of us, and the biological reality of each; this is supposed to work in conjunction for the greater good in all of us.

That said: "Yes, all good people should seek [not only] selflessness" but also self-preservation. Many of my activities as an adult have proven to be self-defeating -- even self-destructive. Once I realized that my own children are unhappy when I act out these behaviors, did I realize they too want me happy, healthy, and -- less wise.

Actions speak louder than words to my shape-shifting teens.

-- Meanwhile --

On the continuing discourse of hydration I connected with my GERD mentor this Saturday morning, April 9,  on faceBook and she had this to say: (EXCERPT)

Mentor: "How much water do you drink every day?"

Me: almost a gallon
some days I forget to hydrate
those are generally bad days
I can't seem to break the coke zero habit in the afternoons
i look forward to my "strong drink" as a habit
since i don't imbibe amymore but I still look forward to a coke zero with bottled water "cocktail" in the afternoons

Mentor: I was the same- gave up everything, but going to hell w a diet coke in hand.

Me: so how'd you do it?

Mentor: You saw the study out today? A self funded study

Me: where?

Mentor: Read about aspartame- and it eats your bones... and dehydration. On it's way
VB: I was concerned about family members who were consuming large amounts of -- especially diet sodas. I had already become aware of possible adverse effects of aspartame. I was doing further research on it and I came across the Bressler report. I noticed that he was talking about sizeable tumors that were reported from the use of ... DKP (diketopiperazine) which is a breakdown component of aspartame. I thought that if I did my own experiment that I might be able to actually see some tumors and that I would make photos of them and then provide an additional resource 2 for people to use to try to get it off the market and to try to convince family members to stop using it. (LINK, Transcript HERE)
Me: oh, how nice,
Visit the Mercola Video Library

[ ... ]
Mentor: Generally, rule is to divide weight by 2, and drink that number of ounces, not exceeeding 100 oz or you risk washing out minerals and electrolytes

But if you add caffeine, alcohol, fruit juice... any diuretics you need more water
generally 1.5 oz for every ounce of diuretic.

So I am one cup of coffee a day to keep the water need down.

[ ... ]
You can check yourself for dehydration like this:

Stand up, one hand over your heart. Have someone palpate a vein in your lower hand and slowly raise it, not going over the level of your heart. If the vein loses structure at all, you are dehydrated. Big cause of GERD, btw...
(DiRico, Elaine  April 9 at 9:09am Report. retrieved, Victoria Inness-Brown's Aspartame Experiment.  .  A private study conducted by a concerned citizen revealed that aspartame, the artificial sweetener used in diet soda, causes cancerous tumors in female rats. Retrieved HERE)


Friday, March 25, 2011

Al Sears, MD
11903 Southern Blvd., Ste. 208
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411

March 24, 2011
Dear Pat Darnell,

There’s something important I want to tell you today. Something cosmetic companies and dermatologists will never admit to.

The secret to glowing, supple skin that turns heads wherever you go isn’t at the bottom of some expensive cream or prescription lotion tube.

In fact, it has absolutely nothing to do with what you put on the outside.

The only sure-fire way to get satiny smooth skin that begs to be touched is to work from the inside out.

You see, you’re meant to have beautiful skin. It’s your birthright. And when you fill your body with the nutrients it needs, perfect skin just happens.

Your native diet of protein, plus whatever fresh produce you could gather, gave you all of those nutrients. Today it’s a different story.

Unfortunately, modern-day farming has stripped our foods of their vitamins and nutrients. And the foods you find at the grocery store and even some farmers’ markets don’t cut it. They lack the critical ingredients you need to nourish the inside of your body to create the sexy, radiant skin you’re supposed to have.

That’s why I developed a supplement that gives you everything our food lacks.

It includes 5 powerful ingredients that help transform your skin from rough to petal-soft. All from the inside out. And not just on your face… but all over your body.

I call it Radiance.

I developed this supplement with the intention of helping my patients and readers – like you – get beautiful skin and help improve your body both inside and out.

The “superstar” ingredient in Radiance is Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). Your skin uses it to help maintain moisture, protect itself from free-radical damage and support overall immune health.

One study gave people GLA supplements. After two months, their skin was holding on to 10 percent more water. And before taking the supplement, over 30 percent of the people had some kind of skin irritation. After the study was over… there was no sign of skin irritation on anyone and the amount of people with dry skin was reduced by 30 percent.1

In another study, adults were given GLA supplements. And at the end, it was found that everyone’s skin health improved either by increased moisture, elasticity, firmness, or less fatigue resistance and roughness.2

Then I combined GLA with four other healthy skin-promoting nutrients for even more of a benefit. Radiance also includes:

Sea Buckthorn Oil. This antioxidant comes from the berries of a native European and Asian plant. It harnesses anti-aging power and helps speed up skin cell regeneration.
Mixed Tocopherols (Vitamin E). Found in some leafy greens, seeds and nuts, this anti-inflammatory and antioxidant promotes DNA repair, helps support your immune system, and protects your cell membranes.
High-Omega Flaxseed Oil. This antioxidant found in a flowering Canadian plant fights free-radical damage and helps accelerate the internal cellular healing process of your skin.
Hyaluronic Acid. Found in root vegetables, hyaluronic acid is the basic building block of tissue throughout your body (not just in your skin). It’s a strong anti-aging substance that promotes cellular repair and healing, can help reduce the signs of wrinkles, and help keep skin firm and elastic.
Radiance is backed by my 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee so if for any reason you’re not completely satisfied… it’s on me. Simple as that.

Click here to try it for yourself.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

Saturday, March 19, 2011

BBC News - Cardiff expert's ethnic eye test 'catastrophe' warning

BBC News - Cardiff expert's ethnic eye test 'catastrophe' warning: "The reasons for the higher instances of certain eye complaints among black minority and ethnic groups are varied.

For example, southern Asian people are more susceptible to diabetic retinopathy owing to a genetic inability to produce the amount of insulin required for a high-sugar, high-dairy western diet.

Similarly, the traditional Somali diet, rich in meat protein and starchy carbohydrates, is well suited to an active life in Somalia, but is too rich for the more sedentary jobs found in Wales.

People from an African/Caribbean background in general are at greater danger from glaucoma because of their thicker corneas, although stress and economic deprivation are also thought to be risk factors, in common with all ethnic groups.

People from a southern Asian background are three times more likely to contract glaucoma
However, very little is understood about why at-risk communities are so reluctant to seek help."

Conversation 19 :: March 19, 2011

Morning kiddo!


how you be?

getting into the swing of the new emerging me.
thanks for the emails

You betcha- I can flood your inbox
Did you get the book?

my inbox can take it... which book?

On stomach acid
The Wilson book on Adrenals is excellent too- but a good introduction to this way of living
Believe me, cooking your own food, bought locally is the greatest political act possible. Ask Ghandi

Why stomach acid is good for you.' I will go to amazon later... [Another one to get, I think I mentioned before is 'Why stomach acid is good for you.' If you are going to write about GERD, that is the Bible. ]


My son and I just watched "Fathead" documentary together...
lipid hypothesis under scrutiny

Time for this old gal to accomplish something to justify her oxygen consumption- catch you later!

later gator.

Oh great! Love that guy..

God speed

A nutritional standup comedian- narrow niche
But a nice entry into the world of Agribusiness and pharmaceuticals want to keep you sick and dying young

amen, Sister.

The last cartoon on how sugar effects your veins is fabulous. Just building a web site here and hoping he will let me use it. will be up sometime before June...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Gastroesophegeal Reflux Disease

Gastroesophegeal Reflux Disease
By Michael Owen, DC | Excerpt from The Nutritional Therapist Premier Issue 2003
GERD, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, occurs when the acid contents of the stomach flows up through the muscular opening in the diaphragm into the esophagus. Although the stomach lining is made to handle these strong stomach acids, the esophagus is not.

Constant acid reflux into the esophagus may cause damage, ulcerations or even develop into a pre-cancerous condition called Barrett’s Esophagus.

Anti acids and acid blockers may bring temporary relief, however as we have seen before, chronic conditions often result from suppressive therapies.